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May 10, 2022 Plan for Water Workshop #6


Workshop video available:

Gary Griffith 04:58 PM 

Just to add in here, Wolf Creek Community Alliance, which receives support from NID and collaborates with it, works to promote and restore a service area watershed, not a source watershed, but one impacted by NID in part due to the many canals and water conveyances that pass through the Wolf Creek Watershed. We are confident that Plan for Water will clearly include support for all its watersheds. Thank you. Gary Griffith, WCCA


Bruce Herring: Will you be leading a public tour of the restoration efforts in English Meadow this summer?

Jennifer Hanson 05:25 PM we sure can.


Dan Macon 05:34 PM 

Sometimes higher density grazing can be appropriate.

Dan Macon 05:36 PM 

USFS has well-developed standards and guides directing it's grazing programs - standards and guides that protect water quality, habitat values, etc.


Joy Waite 05:38 PM

The map gives the impression that NID owns all the land for Centennial Reservoir. Please clarify actual ownership.


Jennifer Hanson: I think maybe we're looking at the wrong map so joy please look at the NID system infrastructure and area of interest map. That shows the actual properties owned by NID they are they all on here


Miriam Limov, Sierra Harvest Nevada County Food Policy Council 05:43 PM

On behalf of the Nevada County Food Policy Council, we appreciate immensely your excellent efforts to care for the health of the watersheds that supply our local farmers and ranchers with water so that they may provide food for our community.  Therefore, your environmental stewardship efforts help strengthen our local food system so that we may be more food secure during challenging times such as the pandemic.

Carol McMillan 05:43 PM

I read that the recent green waste disposal results were sent to a biomass plant in Lincoln.  Are there some local synergies possible here?


Otis Wollan 06:00 PM

I want to extend appreciation to NID for the strides it has made toward genuine healthy watershed management in the last ten years of its hundred year history, particularly with the constraints of owning less than ten percent of the lands that allow some freedom to proceed in this way. My question is a repetition of the question I have asked previously. If this is a fifty year plan, NID can very logically assume it will be receiving in partnership with PCWA the divestment by PG&E of the S Fork Yuba and Bear watersheds of the Drum-Spaulding system. If you are looking out fifty years, will you be embracing this reality? With regard to the contract you are about to approve tomorrow; how easily can you change that model to expand it to the more likely source water, storage facilities, etc? How prepared is NID to expand its newly emerging watershed stewardship business to expand to this impending reality? What is NID's projection for this Drum-Spaulding divestment by PG&E? You have heard my guess: as soon as PG&E gets the FERC license and divests the liability Bear Canal system to the JPA.

Thanks for this presentation.


Stewart Feldman 06:05 PM

Excellent presentation! Thank you.

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