Partnering with state fire agencies to protect the community California National Guard hand crews – CAL FIRE program partnership

NID’s Environmental Resources program is partnering with the state’s Task Force Rattlesnake to remove vegetation and thin trees to address wildfire risks to critical water system infrastructure.
The joint Task Force Rattlesnake is comprised of California National Guard hand crews and CAL FIRE NEU Crew 23.
In late May and June, the crews completed understory thinning and hazard tree removal on District properties adjacent to both Scotts Flat and Rollins Reservoirs and associated facilities, including Greenhorn Campground, Rollins View Drive, and on the Upper Bench Road near Cascade Shores.
NID has plans to continue working with the National Guard and CAL FIRE, and would like to extend our sincere appreciation for their partnership in our wildfire preparedness program.
Joint Task Force Rattlesnake is part of a fuel management and reduction team created by Gov. Gavin Newsom in 2019. This program provides crews of National Guard personnel and CAL FIRE firefighters to strategically reduce fire fuels and hazard trees for the purposes of emergency ingress and egress improvement and infrastructure safety.
Areas treated by these crews may also be used as strategic fuel breaks where wildfire first response can access or suppress wildfire.