NID to Hold Public Hearing on its Draft 2020 AWMP - During March 24th Board of Directors Meeting
(Grass Valley, CA March 22, 2021) - The Nevada Irrigation District (NID) today announced that it will hold a public hearing on its Draft 2020 Agricultural Water Management Plan (AWMP) during its Board of Directors meeting on March 24th at 9:00 a.m. This will be the third opportunity for the public to learn about and comment on NID’s Draft 2020 AWMP prior to adoption.

The Draft 2020 AWMP is also posted on NID’s website and was reviewed at Board Workshops on March 10th and March 18th. All comments received prior to Board adoption will be considered and included in the final AWMP.
NID prepares an Agricultural Water Management Plan every five years as required. The plan includes information about NID’s roughly 5,600 agricultural customers such as past water usage, conservation efforts, and other management elements. California Water Code Section 10820(a)(2)(A) requires the AWMP to be adopted by April 1, 2021, after public review and hearing, and filed with the California Department of Water Resources within 30 days of adoption.
Due to COVID-19, NID is currently holding its meetings via Zoom. Full details and instructions for how to access its meetings are provided on each meeting agenda posted on at least 72 hours before the meeting. More information about the AWMP can be found on NID’s website at
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