NID Posts Final EIR for the Hemphill Diversion Structure Project for Public Review

(Grass Valley, CA July 12, 2021) – The Nevada Irrigation District (NID) has posted for public review the Final Environmental Impact Report (Final EIR) for the Hemphill Diversion Structure Project. The Final EIR can be found on the District’s website at under Projects, or at
NID’s Hemphill Diversion historically presented an impediment to the passage of migrating anadromous fish species that spawn in Auburn Ravine upstream of the diversion. NID is considering three alternatives to eliminate this impediment while still maintaining water deliveries to customers currently served by Hemphill Canal.
This Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) provides an analysis of the potential environmental effects of the proposed Hemphill Diversion Structure Project, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The analysis presented focuses on the potentially significant environmental impacts associated with the construction and operation of three potential Project Alternatives. Each alternative is provided an equal level of analysis in the Final EIR. The Draft EIR for the Project was circulated for public review in April 2021 and is included in its entirety as Appendix A to this Final EIR. The three alternatives, a riverbank infiltration gallery, fish passage, and pipeline would provide the ability for fish passage beyond the Hemphill Diversion Structure and continue to provide water to customers served by Hemphill Canal.
The Nevada Irrigation District Board of Directors will hold a public hearing during the regularly scheduled Board of Directors meeting on July 28, 2021, at 9:00 am, to consider adoption of a resolution to certify and adopt the Final Environmental Impact Report (Final EIR) for the Hemphill Diversion Structure Project and consider approval of the Project.
The public is invited to attend this meeting in person or via video-teleconference. Information on how to participate in Board meeting can be found on the District’s website under Board Meetings for the July 28, 2021 agenda at prior to the meeting.
Originating in the head waters of the Yuba River, Bear River and Deer Creek, the Nevada Irrigation District’s water begins as snow melt found in 70,000 acres of high elevation watershed. NID then stores water in 29 reservoirs later moving it through one of six treatment plants and 400 miles of pipe to become drinking water for 25,000 homes, farms and businesses in Nevada, Placer and Yuba counties. The annual result is three billion gallons of high quality drinking water for our customers. We deliver water for life. Visit