NID Board appoints Earl Stephens new director to serve Division 4

The Nevada Irrigation District (NID) Board of Directors announces the appointment of Earl Stephens of Lincoln to serve as director for Division 4, which includes portions of North Auburn and the Lincoln areas.
The Board unanimously approved the appointment of Stephens during its Nov. 6 meeting. His term will expire in December 2026.
Stephens is a farmer and brewmaster in Lincoln, and grows mandarins and on-vine pumpkins for sale to the public. His education is in civil engineering, and he has served on the Placer County Ag Commission since 2020.
He noted in his Statement of Interest: As a kid, I participated in both 4-H and FFA, and grew up with many of the farming families of the Lincoln area. I believe I have a balanced background, education and understanding of the District to make a difference to decisions regarding current and future supply, demand and needs.
The Division 4 seat became available after Director Trevor Caulder resigned on Sept. 26, 2024.
NID is governed by a five-member Board of Directors, elected to four-year terms by the District's voters. The Board is the District’s policy-making body, and that policy is carried out by more than 200 full- and part-time employees.
Members of the Board are elected from within and represent five geographical divisions within the District.