Mulch Magic Giveaway: 150 cubic yards given to the community

Nevada Irrigation District’s Annual Mulch Magic Giveaway was a huge success! Seventy-five residents took away 150 cubic yards of free mulch, and the Boy Scouts earned $1,500 for their summer campout.
The mulch giveaway is NID’s continuing efforts to promote conscientious water use and conservation. The mulch was handed out free on a first-come first-served basis at the Nevada County Fairgrounds on April 27.
As a “self-load” event, participants shoveled the mulch into their vehicles or had help from local Boy Scouts and Eagle Scouts. Their earned tips help finance attendance to a summer camp.
Mulch is a great tool to help save water in gardening and landscaping. Two or three inches of mulch helps retain water keeping the soil moist for longer periods of time.
NID purchased the mulch and teamed with sponsor Nevada County Fairgrounds.