Irrigation season comes to an end
Now is the time to winterize your water system

(Grass Valley, Oct. 4, 2022) October brings cooler weather and changing leaves as fall takes hold. It also means that the Nevada Irrigation District (NID) irrigation season is coming to an end.
On Oct. 14, NID will begin shutting down water service to summer irrigation customers. Customers should expect canal water to stop on Friday, Oct. 14 through Saturday, Oct. 15, as crews ramp the system down. Be aware: canals will experience fluctuating flows as this change takes place.
Since the 1920s, NID has brought pure water from the high mountains to the ranches and farms of the drier Sierra foothills. Today, about 5,600 raw water customers irrigate more than 32,000 acres in Nevada and Placer counties.
Most raw water users purchase their raw water on a seasonal basis – the primary six-month irrigation season normally runs from Apr. 15 through Oct. 14.
With colder weather around the corner, fall is the ideal time to winterize an outdoor water system before the first frost. “We remind customers that now would be good time to winterize your system, including shutting down pump systems and insulating exposed pipe prior to cold weather setting in,” said Chip Close, NID’s Director of Operations.