NID is a leader among Northern California water agencies in the production of clean, hydroelectric energy. Revenues from hydroelectricity are very important in the maintenance and operation of NID’s extensive water distribution system.

The district has seven power plants that generate enough electricity to supply the equivalent of more than 60,000 homes.
NID has a generation capacity of 82.2 megawatts, produces an average 375 million kilowatt hours of energy each year, and sells its electrical output to the Pacific Gas & Electric Co.
The district began producing power in 1966 with the completion of the $65 million Yuba-Bear Power Project. The project included the Chicago Park and Dutch Flat powerhouses. The Rollins powerhouse was added in 1980.
To make use of existing water releases, small power plants were added during the 1980s at Bowman, Scotts Flat and Combie reservoirs.
NID is completing requirements for a new Federal license that will govern the Yuba-Bear Project hydroelectric operations for years to come. The District has secured a new power sales agreement that markets the Project’s energy production to the Pacific Gas & Electric Company.

NID Power Plants
Chicago Park 39.0
Dutch Flat 24.57
Rollins 12.15
Bowman 3.6
Combie South 1.5
Scotts Flat 0.875
Combie North 0.5
Total: 82.2 megawatts