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Email correspondence regarding "Basis for Plan for Water" Stage 6

Email correspondence regarding "Basis for Plan for Water" Stage 6

Hi Jennifer, I hoped to check in with you about the Plan for Water Stage 6.  I know the last meeting (Nov. 8) was canceled and compressed into the upcoming meeting coming up on Dec. 13. I have some concern that one hour in December for the "Basis for the Plan for Water" won't be enough time for this big topic. I'm not sure we're thinking about it the same way, so I thought it would be good to reach out and learn more from you about your current thoughts on the process. 

According to the matrix, stakeholders are asked to provide input on six items at the meeting and seems to us, each question is a BIG topic of conversation.  Are you imagining each is a presentation and then a dialogue?  Will NID be inviting stakeholders to the table to discuss each topic?

Thanks for sharing more about your thoughts here.

Hope you have a wonderful holiday.                                                                                                                Melinda


  • From: Jennifer Hanson
  • To: Melinda Booth <>
  • Subject: RE: Basis for Plan for Water Meeting Check In

Hi Melinda, Thank you for reaching out. To date, stakeholders have been invited to provide written comments, verbal comments, and to participate in any discussion along with the Board and staff. This participation format will continue through all phases of the process. I don’t anticipate the stage six topics taking that long to discuss but we will take as long as needed and add more meetings if necessary.

Please let me know if you have any additional questions or comments.


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