Dutch Flat No. 2 Powerhouse

Dutch Flat No. 2 Powerhouse is an off-stream powerhouse on the Bear River. It was constructed in 1964-65 as part of the Yuba-Bear Hydropower Project. The powerhouse is rated at 24.57 megawatts (MW).
The power is generated via consumptive and run-of-river flows. The water flows from Dutch Flat Forebay, an off-stream reservoir adjacent the Bear River formed by the forebay dam. At normal maximum water surface elevation (3,331.6 feet), Dutch Flat Forebay has a usable storage capacity of 185 acre-feet, a surface area of 8 acres, and a shoreline of about 0.5-mile.

Water flows through the powerhouse penstock, a 2,100 foot-long, 8 foot-diameter, steel penstock that diverts water, at a maximum design capacity of approximately 610 cfs, from the forebay to the powerhouse.
The Dutch Flat No. 2 Powerhouse is an above-ground, outdoor powerhouse constructed of reinforced concrete adjacent to afterbay on the Bear River. The powerhouse consists of one vertical axis Francis turbine with a nameplate rated capacity of 24.57 MW at a flow of 600 cfs.
Other powerhouse infrastructure includes the Dutch Flat No. 2 Powerhouse Switchyard, located adjacent to the powerhouse.
NID has a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with PG&E through June 2033. The powerhouse discharges to Dutch Flat Afterbay.