Come See Us at the County Fair - We are Celebrating 100 Years on August 15
(Grass Valley, CA August 10, 2021) – The Nevada Irrigation District (NID) today called on Nevada County fairgoers to, “Come see us at the County Fair.” The NID board and staff invite you to visit us at our booth where you will find us celebrating NID’s 100 Year Anniversary while also promoting and educating on effective ways to save water during the drought.
Visitors will find a water efficient plant display and water saving tips. A raffle will offer the opportunity to win water saving gadgets and kids can color and post their master pieces and pick up a color changing water cup (limited supplies).

For 100 years, the Nevada Irrigation District has been delivering high quality drinking water to our customers in Nevada, Placer and Yuba counties. What began as an old reservoir and canal system serving gold mines has been transformed into a modern water distribution system. NID water originates as snow melt found in 70,000 acres of high elevation watershed near the headwaters of the Yuba River, Bear River and Deer Creek. NID stores water in 29 reservoirs later moving it through one of six treatment plants and hundreds of miles of canal and pipe to become drinking and irrigation water for 25,000 homes, farms and businesses. The annual result is three billion gallons of high quality drinking water for our customers and 30,000 acres of irrigated agricultural land. We deliver water for life. Visit