Celebrating 100 Years, NID Launches New Website and New Water Blog

The Nevada Irrigation District (NID) is pleased to announce that, in celebration of its 100 Year Anniversary, it has launched a new website and a new water blog.
The new website has a much fresher look and should be easier for customers and other interested parties to navigate and learn about the District. NIDs new branding has been incorporated including the new 100 year anniversary logo and the “Water for Life” theme. NID delivers water for life, agriculture, recreation, and power for the regional economy. Check it out at nidwater.com
The new blog can be found on the new website and will explore the intricacies of how water gets to you. It is an enormous effort. Our blog will tell the story, and also spotlight the men and women who work hard to make sure when you turn on the tap or crank a valve, the water flows. Check it out at nidwater.com
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