Bowman Powerhouse
Bowman is an instream powerhouse on Canyon Creek within the South Yuba Watershed. It was constructed in 1985-86.
Power is generated via flows from Bowman Lake, a man-made storage reservoir on Canyon Creek (formed by Bowman North and South dams). Bowman Penstock, a submerged, concrete encased, 60 inch-diameter penstock, diverts a maximum of 350 cubic feet a second (cfs) to Bowman Powerhouse.

The powerhouse is an above-ground, indoor powerhouse constructed of reinforced concrete located near the base of Bowman North Dam, adjacent to Canyon Creek. The powerhouse consists of one horizontal Francis turbine with a nameplate rated capacity of 3.6 MW at a head of 135 feet and a flow of 313 cfs;
The hydro facillity also consits of Bowman Switchyard, located adjacent to Bowman Powerhouse; and Bowman Transmission Line, an above-ground, 9.0-mile-long, 60 kV transmission line that connects the Bowman Powerhouse Switchyard to PG&E’s Drum-Spaulding 60 kV line.